Scientific Paper Digital Library System Free Source Code in PHP


Scientific Paper Digital Library System Free Source Code in PHP


Problem Statement

The Scientific Paper Digital Library System Free Source Code in PHP is designed to keep track of scientific papers such as scientific publications, conferences, journals, authors, institutions, and subscribers. In the digital library system, a member can register the system. Member may be an author which belongs to an institution or a subscriber.

The system allows subscribers to access any publication, attend conferences and subscribe compositions. An author can either be a student or an academic. When the expertise level of an academic reaches some point he/she will be assigned as an editor. The system also allows to emit publications such as tech reports and papers.

Some number of publications compose and create compositions such as conferences and journals. An editor is able to review a publication and manages the publications that can be in a composition.

Functional Requirements and Limitations of Scientific Paper Digital Library System Free Source Code in PHP

There are 4 different types of users of the system according to their functionalities: researchers, editors, students, and subscribers. All users of the system regarded as a member. A member must be either an author or a subscriber. An author can be a researcher or a student. Furthermore, the researcher can be specialized as editors.

The library system also includes ins7tutions, sponsors, publications and compositions such as journals and conferences.


Member is the generalization of all the users enrolled in the system. A member can have attributes of userName, password, name, phone, address.

Functional Requirements:

All members should be able to subscribe to a composition, all members should be able to view publications.

The system should inform a member about conferences and journals that the member subscribes.

A member should be able to attend a conference, a person should be able to fill a related enrolment form in order to be enrolled in the system as a member.


An author is a member who can contribute to the publications of the digital library. Thus, does not have an annual fee. An author can have attributes of no of Publications, resume.

Functional Requirements:

An author should be able to,

contribute a publication to the library that he/she wrote or collaborated, Contribute to his/her own publication that is in the library.

receive feedback of his own publication that is reviewed by an editor. Contribute to his own publication after he receives feedback, approved by an editor to finalize his registration.


An author should belong to an institution.


A researcher is an author. A researcher can have attributes of diploma, expertise level, profession.

Functional Requirements:

A researcher should be able to

submit a publication to a composition, submit his/her own publication or a publication that he/she contributed to the system.

have a diploma that is applicable, an expert level that is sufficient, have a valid profession, A researcher gains the expertise level of 10 when he/she uses the system.


An editor is an author who is a researcher. In order for a researcher to be an editor, he/she should improve his/her expertise level. An editor can have attributes of editor keys.

Functional Requirements:

An editor should be able to

review a publication to determine its status, give feedback to the related author about the publication he/she reviewed.

manage composition submissions in order to decide which publications should be involved in a composition.

Afera researcher reaches the specified expertise level, the system should give the editor an editor key.

An editor should use his/her editor key to review a publication and decides if a publication should involve in a publication or not.


An editor should have an expert level of at least 100.


A student is an author. A student can have attributes of eduStatus.

Functional Requirements:

  • A student should be able to contribute to a publication because of him being an author.


  • A student cannot submit his/her work to a composition.


The subscriber is a member of the system. However, he/she does not contribute to the system. Thus, he/she pays an annual fee to have member functions such as access publications, attend conferences and subscribe to conferences and journals. A subscriber can have attributes of the annual fee.

Functional Requirements:

  • A subscriber should pay an annual fee to remain registered to the system.


An institution can have attributes of name, address.

Functional Requirements:

  • An institution may have many authors.


A publication can have attributes of ISBN, name, topic, status, type.

Functional Requirements:

A publication should be able to submit into a composition. A publication should be able to be cited.


A publication should have at least 5 citations, There should be at least 5 authors of a publication to be valid.

There should be at least 3 researchers, A publication can have status accepted, rejected, on review or on submit.

A publication can be the type of paper or tech report.


A composition is either a conference or a journal, The composition is managed by an editor.

A composition can have attributes of ID, name, topic, no of Publications, status.


A journal is a composition. A journal can have a^ributes of issueNo.


  • A journal should be published monthly.
  • A journal should contain at least 7 publications.


A conference is a  composition. It is a collection of publications that is presented in a conference hall. A conference can have attributes of sponsor, place, date, time, noOfAttendees, status


A conference should have at least 1 sponsor.

A conference has a status that is either upcoming, past or canceled.

A member should be able to attend a conference if the event is upcoming. If the conference is past, he/she should be able to attend it on the library system.

A conference should have a proper conference hall.

A conference should have at least 30 attendees, the conference should present at least 5 publications.

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