Python Application Programming Tutorial


Python Application Programming Tutorial

This tutorial contains links to VTU CBCS Notes, Question Papers, and web notes of subject Python Application Programming (17CS664, 18CS664) of VTU CBCS Scheme.

Python Tutorial

Links to Web Notes for Python Application Programming

1. Steps to download and install Python 3 in Windows, UNIX, and macOS operating system

Module 1 Introduction

2. How to use Print Statement in Python explained with a simple fragment of python code

3. Data Types in Python Programs – Different data types in the Python Programming language

3. Identifiers in Python Programs – How to define and use identifiers in Python

4. Variable Operators and Built-in Functions in Python – explained with a simple fragment of code

5. Python program to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable

6. Python program to swap numbers using a temporary variable

7. What are the three types of errors encountered in python programs?

8. List and give syntax of all python supported conditional statements

9. Develop a python program to check whether a given number is positive or negative or zero

10. How to use try and except block and use short circuit evaluation-V

11. How to use built-in functions and write user-defined functions in python-V

12. Python program to find and display the remainder and quotient using one function

13. Python Program to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit

14. Python program to find the average of best two test marks out of three test marks

15. Python program to find the largest of three numbers accepted from the user

16. Python program to find the smallest of three numbers from the user

17. Python program to check whether the given year is a leap year on not using functions

Module 2 Iteration Strings and Files

How to use Iterations or Looping Statements while and for in Python-V

Python Program to find the factorial of a given number

Python program to find the reverse of a given number

Python program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not

Python program to check whether the given number is Armstrong Number or Not

Python program to check whether the given number is a Prime Number or Not

Develop a python program to find all the prime numbers in the given range

Develop a Python program to generate first n Fibonacci numbers

Python program to read numbers repeatedly find the total, an average of numbers

Python program to read numbers repeatedly find the maximum and minimum of numbers

Strings in Python – how to string in python is explained with a simple fragment of python code

File Handling in Python – Python Tutorial

Write a Python program to accept a string from the user and display the longest word of that sentence along with its length.

Module 3 Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, and Regular expressions

Introduction to List in Python – How to use lists in python

List in Python

List operations and Slices in Python – How to use list operations and perform list slicing

In-Built List Methods in python – Explained with simple programming examples

List Functions in Python – Explained different list functions with programming examples

List as an argument to user-defined functions – How to pass a list as an argument to function in python

Python program to find the largest element of a list

Python program to find the largest smallest average of a list

Python program to find the sum of elements of List

Python program to print total, count, and average of elements of a list

Python program to print maximum and minimum of a given list

Python program to find union and intersection of two lists in python

How to use dictionaries in Python – How to use dictionaries in python

Python program to count the frequency of each character in the string

Python program to count the frequency of each word in the file

Tuple Data Structure in Python – How to use Tuple data structure in python

Develop a Python program to display the words of string from longest to shortest

How to use Regular expressions in Python with simple programming examples

Python program to extract all lines those start with From using regular expressions

Python program extract decimal numbers in the range of 00-99 using regular expressions

Count Frequency of Word by Removing Punctuation Character

Python program that accepts a sentence and builds a dictionary with the letter, digit, lower, and uppercase as keys and their occurrence as values

Develop a Python program to check the validity of a password using regular expressions

Module 4 Object-Oriented Concepts

Classes and Objects in Python – How to define and use classes and objects in python

Classes and functions in Python – Different types of function (Pure and Modifier functions)

Classes and Methods in Python – How to define and use methods in python

Explain the init and str method with an example python program

Python program to store and display the student name and marks of a student

Python program to keep track of the number of employees in an organization

Write a Python program to find the area and circumference of a Circle for a given radius

Write a Python program to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle given the length and breadth

Write a Python program that has a class named Student that stores the student name, roll number, and marks in three subjects. Display the student information (Roll No, Name, and Total Marks scored)

Write a Python program using classes and objects to deposit and withdraw money in a Bank Account. This is just a demonstration program.

Write a Python Program to accept numbers from the user until the user enters done. Find the maximum and minimum elements of the numbers entered by the user. Use class and methods concepts.

Module 5 Application Programmers Interface

How to retrieve web page over HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Python

How to Retrieving web pages with urllib – Explained with simple programming example

Python program to retrieve a node present in the XML tree using xml.etree.ElementTree

How to Parse JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in python using JSON library

Structured Query Language with a python program – How to use SQLite in python

How to use databases and SQLite in Python is explained with a simple programming example

Python Program to find the Gross Salary of Employee in a Department

VTU Python Application Programming (PAP) Question Papers

July 2018 – Python Application Programming VTU Question Paper

The Solution to Python Application Programming Question Paper July 2018

Jan 2019 – Python Application Programming VTU Question Paper

The Solution to Python Application Programming Question Paper Jan 2019 15CS664

July 2019 – Python Application Programming VTU Question Paper

The Solution to Python Application Programming Question Paper July 2019

VTU CBCS Notes of Python Application Programming (PAP)

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