List Concept in Python


In this tutorial we will study the List Concept in Python.

List in python is a sequence or collection of elements. Unlike arrays in C programming language, lists in python differ in three ways.

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Difference between the list in python and array in C Programming language.

1. List in python can have heterogeneous elements.

2. Array supports both direct and sequential access. List supports on direct access.

3. List can have list as a element.

An empty list can be defined using list() function or empty square brackets.

list1 = list()


list1 = []

Both will create an empty list.

The following example creates a list with three elements of the same type, and prints the elements of a list using the print function.

list1 = list(10, 20, 30)
print (list1)

Output of the program is: [10, 20, 30]

In the following example, we will understand how to create a list with three elements of heterogeneous type. Here two elements are of type integer, two strings and one element is of double type.

list1 = list(10, 'Raj', 30, 'Sachin', 10.20)

Like C, Python stores the elements of the list at numeric indices. You can use indexing operator to access the elements of a list in python. Next example shows how to access the list elements using the index operator.

l1 = [10, 20, 30]
print (l1[0])
print (l1[2])

Now, we will see how to create and display the list with nested elements.

l1 = ['spam', 5, [10, ['a', 20]], 'India']
print (l1[0])
print (l1[1])
print (l1[2])
print (l1[3])
print (l1[2][0])
print (l1[2][1][0])
print (l1[2][1][1])

In the above program we have created list “l1” with 4 elements. Then we have shown how to access and display the individual elements using index operator.

[10, ['a', 20]]

Next example shows how to modify the list elements.

l1 = [10, 20, 30]

print ("Before Modificaton:", l1)

l1[0] = 50
l1[1] = 60
l1[2] = 80

#l1[0:3] = [50, 60, 80]

print ("After Modificaton:", l1)

This program creates a list with three elements and displays the original elements of the list. Then, modifies the list elements. Finally, the program displays the modified elements a list.

Before Modificaton: [10, 20, 30]
After Modificaton: [50, 60, 80]

The presence of an element in a list is verified using in operator. If element is present then “in” operator return true otherwise false.

l1 = [10, 20, 30]
10 in l1
l1 = [10, 20, 30]
40 in l1

First one returns true as 10 is present in l1 and second returns false 40 is not present in l1.

Summary of List Concept in Python:

In this tutorial we have discussed, the definition of a list, how list differs from an array in C. Also we have seen how to create, display entire list and individual elements of a list using index operator. Finally, we, have seen list modification and “in” operator.

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