Python program to read numbers find the Maximum Minimum


Python program to read numbers repeatedly find the total, an average of numbers

Develop a program that repeatedly reads numbers until the user enters “done”. Once “done” is entered, print out the maximum and minimum of the numbers. If the user enters anything other than a number, detect their mistake using try and except and print an error message and skip to the next number.

Video Tutorial

Source Code to read numbers display the Maximum and Minimum

max = 0
min = 999

while True:
    inp = input("Enter the number or done: ")
    if (inp == 'done'):
            inp = int(inp)
            if (inp > max):
                max = inp
            if(inp < min):
                min = inp
            print ("Enter the numeric value")
print ("The maximum number is:", max)
print ("The minimum number is:", min)


Case 1:

Enter the number or done: 10

Enter the number or done: 20

Enter the number or done: hit

Enter the numeric value

Enter the number or done: 15

Enter the number or done: done

The maximum number is: 20

The minimum number is: 10

Case 2:

Enter the number or done: 30

Enter the number or done: 20

Enter the number or done: 10

Enter the number or done: Mahesh

Enter the numeric value

Enter the number or done: 80

Enter the number or done: 50

Enter the number or done: done

The maximum number is: 80

The minimum number is: 10


This tutorial discusses how to write a python program to read numbers repeatedly and find the Maximum and Minimum. If you like the tutorial share it with your friends. Like the Facebook page for regular updates and YouTube channel for video tutorials.

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