Implementing multiple inheritances using interfaces in Java
Write a Java program to demonstrate the role of interfaces while implementing multiple inheritances in Java.
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Before we understand, how to use an interface to implement multiple inheritances, we will discuss the types of inheritance supported by Java.
There are four types of Inheritance:
1. Single Inheritance
2. Multilevel Inheritance
3. Hierarchical Inheritance
4. Multiple Inheritance
1. Single Inheritance
In single inheritance, there is one parent per derived class. This is the most common form of inheritance.
2. Multilevel Inheritance
When a derived class is derived from a base class which itself is a derived class then that type of inheritance is called multilevel inheritance.
3. Hierarchical Inheritance
The process of deriving more than one subclass from a single superclass is called hierarchical inheritance.
4. Multiple Inheritance
The process of deriving a single subclass from more than one superclass is called Multiple Inheritance.
Java does not support the concept of Multiple Inheritance using a typical class hierarchy. However, it is possible to implement Multiple Inheritance using the interface.
Multiple inheritance using Interface
The Multiple Inheritance can be represented as follows:
The simple Java Program to implement Multiple Inheritance is as follows
public interface Interface1 { void method1(); }
public interface Interface2 { void method2(); }
class Demo implements Interface1, Interface2 { public void method1() { System.out.println("The method from Interface 1"); } public void method2() { System.out.println("The method from Interface 2"); } } public class MultipleInheritanceDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { Demo d = new Demo(); d.method1(); d.method2(); } }
The method from Interface 1
The method from Interface 2
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