Geometric Operations Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL Source Code – 18CSL67
Here you can download the source code of the Geometric Operations Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL – 18CSL67 for the academic mini-project.
Project Description:
The project is entitled “Geometric Operation” using OpenGL. The mini-project is aimed at implementing the skills we learned. This package is implemented to draw points, squares, and triangles. And also allows us to increase or decrease the size of the object; objects can be filled with different colors. We are implementing all operations by using OpenGL.
The OpenGL provides a menu that is pressing the right button of the mouse it will display the menu list and by selecting one of them it will do the respective operation. And in this, we are also allowing the user to draw objects at a mouse point by using mouse functions.
The user can draw an object at any location. Also, one can increase or decrease the size of an object at any location where the particular object is drawn. And also user can change the color of a particular object at that location itself where the user has drawn the object.
Video Demonstration of Geometric Operations Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL
Module Description:
Main ( ) – This function is used to execute the program from beginning to end. In the main ( ) we are initializing the window size, position, and creating the window with this specified value, and also we are invoking the init ( ) callback function, and registered the display ( ) and menus.
Init ( ) – This function is used to set the size of output screen. Here we call the some system call glClearColor ( ), glLoadIdentity ( ), glMatrixMode ( ), glViewport ( ).
Display ( ) – In main ( ) we registered the one display ( ) it clears the buffer and set the background color.
Menu ( ) – In menu ( ) we have created the menus, for example, draw, resize, fill, using-mouse. In the draw, resize, fill menus we have invoked the display functions such as drawpoint( ), drawsquare( ), drawtriangl( ). We registered the mouse menu in the mouse functions.
Drawpoint ( ) – The drawpoint ( ) will draw the point according to the vertices which are specified in the program. And it also allows us to change the point color and size.
Drawsquare ( ) – The Drawsquare ( ) is one of the display functions, which will draw the square and allows resizing its size, change the color and fill the square with a different color.
Drawtriangle ( ) – The drawtriangle ( ) allows drawing a triangle and like that of other display functions doing it is also allows changing the color of the triangle, filling the triangle with a different color.
Point ( ) – The point ( ) allows to draw the point at the mouse position.
Square ( ) – The square ( ) allows to draw the square at the mouse position.
Triangle ( ) – The triangle ( ) allows to draw the triangle at the mouse position.
Screenshots of Geometric Operations Computer Graphics Project

Initial Position of Geometric Operations Computer Graphics Project

Options to choose different operations

Options to choose different operations 2
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