Analog clock Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL Source Code – 18CSL67
Here you can download the source code of Analog clock Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL – 18CSL67 mini-project of academic project.
Project Description:
Here, we are going to develop the basic structure of the Analog clock in computer graphics. In this, we will tell how to make a clock structure by using OpenGL functions to display time. This package is based on the OpenGL library functions. Our program will give the Analog clock with system time. The programming language is used here is C.
The main theme of this project is as follows:
–> It is Interactive 2D graphics.
–> The clock will be displayed.
–> Time will be displayed as same as system time.
Module Description of Analog clock Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL
Main(): In main function first we call glutint(). Next, we set up display mode. we create the window with glutCreateWindow() passing window title as an argument to give the control of our program to GLUT through glutMainLoop(). In main display(), Reshape(),Timer these functions are called.
RenderScene(): As Display function contains glClear and glColor3f.The function also contains these two functions. It also contains glLinewidth() Which is used to change the width. The parameter renders selects which Rendering engine to use.
Reshape(): This function is called whenever the user reshapes the open GLwindow. It is called by GLUT library when the window has changed size. It is the same as the change size function we are using in this program, including the height and width of the window. These two parameters of the callback specify the new window size in pixels before the callback.
The current window is set to the window that has been reshaped. It contains an aspect ratio to reset the coordinate system. Here we are using glMatrixMode & glLoadIdentity functions to establishing the clipping volume.
Timer(): It is usually used to show the current system time. It contains some parameters like angle size, angle minute, angle hour with their formulas. & It also contains glutPostRedisplay function.that request the display call back executed after the current call back return.
Setuprc(): It is used in the display function as glClearColor this is used to set color as we are using 1.0 to all four colors than our clock is displayed with black color. we change the color of the clock by using this function.
Newline(): This function contains the restart, rend, angle.
Flowchart of Analog clock Computer Graphics Project

Screenshots of Analog clock Computer Graphics Project

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Please post complete algorithm and flowchart of analog clock