Toll Collecting Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL Source Code – 18CSL67


Toll Collecting Booth Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL Source Code – 18CSL67

Here you can download the source code of Toll Collecting Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL – 18CSL67 for academic mini-project work.

Project Description:

The main idea behind this project is to display the concept of toll collecting booth with computer graphics. This graphics package is based on the OpenGL library functions. The programming language used here is C using OpenGL libraries.

Video Demonstration of Toll Collecting Booth Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL

Main theme of the project is:

The idea behind this project is to display the concept of toll collection booths through computer graphics. This project will include a toll collecting booth where as soon as the car comes the barrier is imposed. This barrier will then be lifted by the user.

There will be two way path in at both way we have at toll collecting booth for both direction.

To open the left side barrier we use to press ‘L|l’ key, as soon as the key is pressed the left side car will move. And in the same way, we have ‘R|r’ key to open the barrier and allow the car to move further.

Here we also we can increase or decrease the speed of the cars by using proper keys.

Module Description

MAIN FUNCTION: Main is a function from which execution of the program ill start. It initializes the window of size 1000*1000 pixels. And also call various functions defined in the program, also includes a menu which intern calls the related functions (such as my menu, sub-menu, etc…).

MYINIT FUNCTION: This function is used to convert one coordinate system to another coordinate system. We used the GL_MatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) and glLoadIdentity() in this function.

MENU FUNCTION: It creates the main and the sub-menus, whereas the main menu is to “Quit, increase the size and decrease size” of the objects. And sub-menus are used for color. The menu is assigned to mouse click when the mouse (LEFT or RIGHT) button is pressed the menu will appear and action is performed.

MOUSE FUNCTION: This is an event-driven function which is used to select the objects. Here in this project, we have used this mouse function to select the paint objects, specified in a specific region.

Flowchart or Module digram of toll collecting booth CGV mini project

Toll Collecting Computer Graphics Project in OpenGL Source Code – 18CSL67

Screenshots of Toll collecting CG Project

Car BMW and NANO is paying toll

Car BMW and NANO is paying toll

After paying toll car BMW went and the next car is waiting to pay the toll.

After paying toll car BMW went and the next car is waiting to pay the toll.

After paying the toll right-side barrier opened and NANO car passing .

After paying the toll right-side barrier opened and NANO car passing

As soon as we pay the toll the barriers will open and car will move from both side.

As soon as we pay the toll the barriers will open and cars will move from both sides.

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