Demonstration of Helicopter CG Project in OpenGL Source Code – 18CSL67


Demonstration of Helicopter Computer Graphics (CG) Project in OpenGL Source Code – 18CSL67

Here you can download the source code of the Demonstration of Helicopter Computer Graphics (CG) Project in OpenGL – 18CSL67 for academic mini-project work.

Video Demonstration:

Project Description:

This mini-project is aimed at developing a helicopter. Hence we made an attempt in developing it. This simulator is developed in the C language. Hence we are making use of the computer graphics concept and OpenGL API. A helicopter Simulator is a computer program that allows a user to display the helicopter which is placed on a window.

Some of the operations that are implemented in Demonstration of Helicopter are:

The front page was created to introduce about mini project Demonstration of Helicopter. 

Creating instruction page to introduce key which is used to operate the Helicopter

Creating the helicopter by using simple geometric objects such as rectangles, triangles,s, etc.

The rotation of the fan is controlled by using by pressing the key ‘s’ on the keyboard, to move the helicopter the m key is used.

The speed of the helicopter can be increased and decreased by using keys such as h and l respectively.

To move the helicopter right, left, up, and down keyboard r, b, u, and d are used respectively.

To quit the window my keyboard function is used. As soon as we press the “q” from the keyboard the window quits.

Project Flow Chart

Demonstration of Helicopter CG Project in OpenGL Source Code – 18CSL67

Screenshots of demonstration of Helicopter CG Project

Instruction page of Helicopter CG Project

Instruction page of Helicopter Computer Graphics mini-project

Initial page of Helicopter CG Project

The initial page of the Helicopter Computer Graphics mini-project

Final page of Helicopter CG Project

The final page of the Helicopter Computer Graphics mini-project

Download source code

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