Student Result Management system Free Project in PHP and MySQL


Download Student Result Management system Free Project in PHP and MySQL for BE BTech BCA MCA ME MTech Diploma Students

Student Result Management system Free Project in PHP and MySQL

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The aim of this project is to make it easy for students and faculties to access results fast and according to their convenience. Results are fetched and stored in the central database, hence students can access their results at any time using their roll id. Faculties add the class, student details, update class, and student details. They register new students and can update student details. They declare student results as well as can update results. Once the results are announced, the results are stored in the central database.

Project Name: Student Result  Management System

Language Used: PHP for backend processing

Database: MySQL for database storage

User Interface Design:  HTML, AJAX, JQUERY, JAVASCRIPT

Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox browser, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 8 or recent version, OPERA

Web Server: XAMPP Server

Student Result Management System divided into two modules –

  • Student Module
  • Admin Module

Following are the features of the admin module

Admin can do the following things

Dashboard – where Admin can add or update class details, can add / update / Class details, add / update/ Subjects according to the allotment, can add / update / Active / Inactive subject combination, can register a new student and also admin can edit info of the existing student, declare/edit result of a student, can change own password

Following are the features of the student module

A student can search and see their result using valid rollid at their convenience. A student can download and take the print out of the result there in PDF format.

How to run this project on the local system

Install the XAMP apache web server on the local system.

Download and Unzip the file on your local system copy srms folder.

Put srms folder inside the root directory of the webserver.

Database Configuration on the local system

Open PHPMyAdmin in the browser, select the option to create a database and create a database with name srms, Import database srms .sql (available inside the downloaded zip package)

For User

Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/srms” to open user home page of student result management system

For Admin Panel

Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/srms” to open admin home page of student result management system, Admin can use following Login Details for login: username: admin Password: Test@123

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