Restaurant Express – Online Restaurant Order System in Python Free Source Code


Restaurant Express - Online Restaurant Order System in Python Free Source Code

Restaurant Express – Online Restaurant Order System in Python Free Source Code


Restaurant Express – Online Restaurant Order System provides the user with the ability to search and order for food to be delivered directly to their address. Our system will also provide some innovations such as real-time food tracking, easy signup options, automatically determining which district the user resides in, etc.

In this proposal, we describe the project in detail through functional, non-functional requirements and limitations. We will provide a full ER diagram and dismantle its entity and relationships to explain the attributes and functions one by one.

System Usage

Functional Requirments

SignupUsers first have to sign up to use the service. Once users sign up their account information will be stored in our database.

Login: Users will log in to their accounts by writing their ID and password. Users with no recent activity will be logged off automatically and have to re-login.

Logoff Users: have the option to log off. Users will be logged off automatically due to inactivity. Detect the location of the user. The user chooses the approximate location to determine the districts of the restaurants. The user can also enter their location manually or by a map. List of nearby restaurants online restaurants will be listed to the user according to the user’s location. Restaurants and their info will be stored and accessed from the online database. Order foodUsers can order food using our online Restaurant Express service. All user orders will be stored and can be accessed by the individual user from our database. The user will be able to leave notes for the restaurant (such as “no service needed”) while ordering.

Restaurant profile: Each restaurant will have a dedicated page, which will be listed, where users can see info such as working hours, menu, rating, most ordered food, and drinks. Restaurant info will be stored and queried from the online database. Each restaurant page will also feature its top-selling food and beverages. Every ordered food will be counted and stored in the database to form the top products list per restaurant. Each restaurant will also feature an ETA (Estimated Time Arrival)  for orders derived from the address of the user and restaurant preparation average preparation time.

Rate and review: The user will be able to rate and review a restaurant’s service for the food they ordered. Search and filter restaurants. The user will be able to search for a specific restaurant serving their district. A user will be able to filter restaurants for the category of foods they serve. For example, if the user wants dessert, most bakeries will be listed whereas normal restaurants serving desserts will also be listed but when Payment. The user will have multiple payment options such as credit card, cash, online payment for ordering food. If paid by Online payment, the info will be stored in the database for later orders. Joker SalesRestaurants that want to promote can request joker deals. Joker deals will be suggested to users that have the tendency to click to joker deals (each joker deal clicks will be stored) like the particular type of food (derived from past orders) the promoting restaurant offers and is inside their district.

Access and reorder from past orders

Users will be able to see their past orders and ratings. Users can reorder their past orders with just one click.

Scheduled ordering

The user has the option to schedule the order to a certain address. Real-time food  tracking

user will be able to track the state of the order in real-time from when it’s prepared and given to our delivery agent. Tracking info and delivery time will be used to assess the average time of preparation and delivery for restaurants as well as the speed of the delivery agents.

Non-Functional Requirements

User-friendliness: Our system would be easy to be useful for the users by our filters and user-friendly interface.

Capacity: There are various types of food, restaurants, user, and credit card information on our system. Because of these reasons, the capacity of the system must be large.

Security: Users have to enter their password for logging in to our system to order food. Thus, their credit card info can’t be used by other people.

Limitation: Users must not be able to cancel their orders after 2 minutes of the order. The user must not be able to order from restaurants that are out of distinct from the user’s location. Users must not be able to access the districts of the restaurants. Users must not be able to order before sign in or sign up for the system. Users must not be able to order before completing the payment procedure. Users must not be able to write comments to restaurants if they had not ordered from this restaurant before. Users must not be able to rate the restaurants if they had not ordered from this restaurant before. Restaurants must not be able to see the credit card information of the users.

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