18CS33 Data Structures and Applications VTU Notes


18CS33 Data Structures and Applications VTU Notes

Data Structures and Applications with subject code 18CS33 is included in the 3rd semester of computer science and engineering. Here you can download module wise CBCS notes of 18CS33 Data Structures and Applications.

Module 1 – Introduction to Data Structures

The notes contain the following points:

Introduction to data structures, data types (primitive and non-primitive types), and operations on data structures (Traversing, searching, inserting, deleting, sorting, and merging).

Accessing members using dot and arrow operator, User-defined datatype (typedef), pointer, and data structures.

Passing structures to functions, the difference between structure and union, dynamic memory allocation, sorting and searching, binary search, sparse matrix, and polynomials.

Module 2 – Stack and Queues

The notes contain the following points:

Stack, representation of Stack, Stack operations using arrays, push – inserting values into a stack, pop – deleting values from a stack, display the elements of a stack.

Stack using a linked list, overflow, and underflow conditions of a stack, Implementation of the stack using a linked list.

Algebraic equations, infix, postfix and prefix expressions, features of postfix expression, Applications of the stack, conversion from infix to postfix.

Evaluation of postfix expression, Introduction to recursion, the difference between recursion and iteration.

Types of Queues, Implementation of queues using arrays, Implementation of queues using a linked list, and circular queue.

Queue operations such as addition or insertion, deletion or removal, and displaying queue elements, Applications of the queue.

Module 3 – Linked Lists

Contents of the linked list module

Definition, array drawbacks, Advantages of a linked list over arrays.

Operations on a linked list ( Creation of a list, Insertion of an element into a linked list, Deletion of a node from the linked list, Traversing and displaying the elements in the list, Counting the number of elements in the list, Searching for an element in the list, Merging two lists (Concatenating lists) ).

Circular Linked list, Advantages of Circular Linked Lists, Circular Singly Linked Lists, Implementation of the singly linked list, Circular Doubly Linked Lists, and Implementation of the doubly linked list.

Module 4 – Trees

Contents of tree module of data structures and applications

Tree representation, General Tree Representations using data structures.

Binary tree, Strictly Binary Tree, Complete Binary Tree, Almost complete Binary Tree, Right Skewed BT, Extended Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree (BST), and Binary Tree Representations (using arrays and linked list).

Tree traversal (preorder, inorder and postorder traversal) and Threaded Binary Tree.

Module 5 – Graphs, Hashing, sorting, and files

The following are the Contents of module 5 notes

Graph terminology and representation, Kinds of Graphs: Weighted and Unweighted, Cyclic, and Acyclic Graphs.

Adjacency Matrix Representation, Depth-first Search Algorithm, Breadth-first Search Algorithm, sorting, hashing (static and dynamic), and file handling.

Click the below link to download complete notes 18CS33 Data Structures and Applications 

M1,  M2,  M3,  M4, and M5

Click the below link to download Question Papers of18CS33 Data Structures and Applications

Click Here to download DATA STRUCTURES AND APPLICATION (18CS32) 2018 Scheme VTU Question

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