Elucidate how Java is a platform-independent language – Java Tutorial

Problem Statement
Elucidate how Java is a platform-independent language, with neat sketches.
Define byte code. How does it help Java program(s) achieve portability?
How “compile once and run anywhere” is implemented in JAVA? Discuss.
Java Bytecode Definition
Bytecode is an intermediate form of Java programs. Bytecode consists of an optimized set of instructions that are not specific to the processor. Java programs are compiled using the javac compiler to get bytecode.
The bytecode is executed using a Java runtime environment which is called a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Sometimes JVM is also called an interpreter for bytecode.
The programs that are running on JVM must be compiled into a binary format which is denoted by .class files.
Sometimes for ease of distribution, multiple class files are packaged into one jar file. The JVM executes .class or .jar files, by either interpreting them or using a just-in-time compiler (JIT).
The JIT is used for compiling and not for interpreting the file. It is used in most JVMs today to achieve greater speed.
The bytecode verifier verifies all the bytecode before it is executed. This verification helps to prevent the crashing of the host machine.
Java Program Execution Process

Java is a platform independent and portable programming language
Platform independence is the most exciting feature of the Java program. That means programs in Java can be executed on a variety of platforms. This feature is based on the goal of writing the java program once, compiling the program on any platform (generate byte code), run anywhere, and at any time forever.
The generated bytecode can be executed on any platform.
In this article, we understood How Java is a platform-independent language. If you like the tutorial share it with your friends. Like the Facebook page for regular updates and the YouTube channel for video tutorials.