17CS553 – Advanced Java and J2EE Notes


17CS553 – Advanced Java and J2EE Notes

Here you can download 17CS553 – Advanced Java and J2EE Notes of 5th-semester computer science and engineering.

Module 1 – Enumerations, Autoboxing, And Annotations(Metadata)

Enumerations included in JDK 5. An enumeration is a list of named constants.
It is similar to the final variables.

Enum in Java is a data type that contains a fixed set of constants.

An enumeration defines a class type in Java. By making enumerations into classes, so it can have constructors, methods, and instance variables.

An enumeration is created using the enum keyword.

Module 2 – The collections and Framework

  1. Explain briefly about the collection framework.
  2. What are the recent changes to the collection framework?

3. Give the syntax of the collection interface. Explain the methods present in the collection interface.

4. Explain Set Interface and set method.

5. The Collection Classes with example code.

Module 3 – String Handling

1. What are the different types of String Constructors available in Java?

  1. Explain string functions in Java.
  2. Write a program to demonstrate a string comparison in Java.

Module 4 – Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP)

  1. What is the Advantage of Servlet Over “Traditional” CGI?

2. What is a servlet? What are the phases of the servlet life cycle? Give an example.

3. Explain about deployment descriptor.

4. How to read data from the client in servlet?

5. How to read HTTP Request Headers?

6. Explain about Cookies in servlet.

7. How variables and objects declared in the JSP program?

  1. How the method is declared and used in java server pages programs?
  2. Explain the control statements of JSP with the example program.
  3. Explain the Request String generated by the browser. how to read a request string in Java Server Pages?

Module 5 – JDBC (Java Database Connection)

Click the below link to download complete notes of advanced Java and J2EE

M1M2,  M3, M4, and M5

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