A solution to Python Application Programming Question Paper July 2018 15CS664 / 17CS664 / 18CS752
Here you find the Solution to subject Python Application Programming Question Paper July-2019.
Module 1
Q. NO. 1
a. List the rule to declare a variable in Python. Demonstrate at least three uses of the variable with example (05Marks)
b. Explain rule of precedence used by Python to evaluate expression. (05 Marks)
Q. No. 2.
a. How Python handles exception? Explain with programming examples. (05 Marks)
c. Predict the output and justify the answer i) -11%9 ii) 7.7//7 iii) (200-70)*10/5 iv) not “False” v) 5*1**2 (05 Marks)
Module 2
Q. NO. 3
a. Demonstrate the use of break and continue keywords in looping constructs using a snippet of code. (06 Marks)
b. Explain string slicing in Python. Show with examples. (04 Marks)
c. Write a Python program to accept a string from the user and display the longest word of that sentence along with its length. (06 Marks)
Q. No. 4
a. List and explain 4 built in string manipulation functions supported by Python (06 Marks)
b. Write a Python program to display the last six characters of the string “Make bay while the sun shines” to the console. (03 Marks)
c. Write a Python program to accept a file name from user i) Display the first N lines of the file. ii) find the frequency of occurrence of the word accepted from the user. (07 Marks)
Module 3
Q. NO. 5
a. What are lists? Lists are mutable. Explain the statement with examples. (05 Marks)
b. How tuples are created in Python? Explain different ways of accessing and creating them. (05 Marks)
Q. No. 6
b. Explain dictionaries. Explain with Python programs. (08 Marks)
Module 4
Q. NO. 7
b. Using the DateTime module write a Python program that gets the current date and print the day of a week. (04 Marks)
c. What are polymorphic functions? Explain with a snippet code. (10 Marks)
Q. No. 8
a. What does the keyword self in Python mean? Explain with examples (05 Marks)
c. Explain __str__ method with Python programs. (05 Marks)
Module 5
Q. NO. 9.
b. Explain the significance of XML over the web development. Illustrate with an example. (08 Marks)
Q. No. 10.
a. Write a note on Google geo codding wen service. Using Python supported libraries. (08 Marks)
b. What is embedded SQL? Explain the importance of the SQLlite database. Write a Python program to establish a database connection to EmpDB and display the total gross salary paid to the employee working in the Quality Control Department. Assume the employee table has already been created and exists in the EmpDB. The fields of employee table are (EmpID, DeptName, GrossSalary) (08 Marks)
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