
Aeroplane Crash Computer Graphics Project Report

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Project Description

This computer graphics project is implemented using the C language in OpenGL libraries. Computer graphics is concerned with all aspects of producing pictures or images using a computer.

The project DEMOLITION OF A BUILDING BY AEROPLANE CRASH is created to demonstrate OpenGL’s concepts. It encompasses some of the skills learned in our OpenGL classes such as pushmatrix(),  translate(), popmatrix(), and timer function.

On the initial screen mini project details like college name, project name, project associates, and guide name are displayed.

The user has to press ‘N” key on the keyboard so that the next screen appears.

The Contents of the Report are:

S. No.TopicsPAGE NO.
1.1Computer Graphics1
1.2Opengl CONCEPT2
2Literature Survey3
3Requirement Specification4
3.1Purpose Of The Requirements Document4
3.2Specific Requirements5
4System Design6
4.1User Defined Functions6
5.2Functions Used To Set The Viewing Volume9
5.3Call Back Functions10

How to run the project in CodeBlocks on Windows:




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