18ME33 / 17ME33 Basic Thermodynamics VTU Notes


18ME33 / 17ME33 Basic Thermodynamics VTU Notes

Download VTU CBCS notes of 18ME33 / 17ME33 Basic Thermodynamics for 3rd-semester Mechanical Engineering, VTU, Belagavi.

Module 1 – Fundamental Concepts & Definitions

Following are the contents of module 1 – Fundamental Concepts & Definitions

Introduction to Fundamental Concepts & Definitions of thermodynamic, Microscopic, and Macroscopic approaches. Applications of engineering thermodynamic Systems, Characteristics of boundary and control surface, examples. Properties, definitions, and units of Thermodynamic. Introduction, basic concepts, and principles of Work and Heat.

Module 2 – First and Second Law of Thermodynamics

Following are the contents of module 2 – First and Second Law of Thermodynamics

Statement of the First, second, and extension of the first and second law of thermodynamics.

Module 3 – Reversibility and Entropy

Following are the contents of module 3 – Reversibility and Entropy

Definitions of a reversible process, heat engine, importance and superiority of a heat engine, and irreversible processes.

Module 4 – Irreversibility, Availability and General Thermodynamic relations

The following are the contents of module 4 – Availability, Irreversibility, and General Thermodynamic relations.

Introduction to Availability, Irreversibility, and General Thermodynamic relations and Pure Substances. The relation between an increase and decrease in unavailable energy and an increase in entropy. Maximum and maximum useful work for a system and control volume.

Module 5 – Ideal gases and Real gases

Following are the contents of module 5 – Ideal gases and Real gases

Introduction, basic concepts, and principles of Ideal gases and Real gases.

Click the below link to download complete notes of 18ME33 / 7ME33 Basic Thermodynamics

M1, M2, M3,  M4, and M5

Assignments – 1, Solutions – 1, and thermodynamics question bank.

Click the below link to download the 2018 Scheme 3rd Semester VTU Question Papers of Mechanical Engineering

ME VTU Question Papers

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