18CS651 Mobile Application Development (MAD) VTU CBCS Notes
Here you can download the VTU CBCS 2018 Scheme notes, and Study materials of Mobile Application Development (MAD) of the Computer Science and Engineering department.

University Name: Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi
Branch Name: Computer Science and Engineering – CSE
Semester: 6 (3rd Year)
Subject Code and Subject Name: 18CS651 Mobile Application Development (MAD)
Scheme of Examination: 2018 Scheme
Marks Distribution: 40 Marks for Continuous Internal Assessment and 60 Marks for Semester end examination
What is Android?
Android is an operating system and programming platform developed by Google for smartphones and other mobile devices (such as tablets). It can run on many different devices from many different manufacturers. Android includes a software development kit for writing original code and assembling software modules to create apps for Android users. It also provides a marketplace to distribute apps. All together, Android represents an ecosystem for mobile apps.
Why develop apps for Android?
Apps are developed for a variety of reasons: addressing business requirements, building new services, creating new businesses, and providing games and other types of content for users. Developers choose to develop for Android in order to reach the majority of mobile device users.
Click the below link to download the 2018 Scheme VTU CBCS Notes of 18CS651 Mobile Application Development (MAD)
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