Database Management System – 15CS53 Question Bank 1


Database Management System - 15CS53 Question Bank 1

Database Management System – 15CS53 Question Bank 1


Chapter 1 – Introduction to Database Systems

1. Define a database. Discuss the implicit properties of the database.

2. Define Database Management System (DBMS). Explain the functions provided by DBMS. Draw the figure of the database system.

3. Explain the University database, drawing the tables required, along with defining, constructing and manipulation of the University database.

4. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs from the traditional file system.

5. Discuss the advantages/capabilities and disadvantages of using DBMS.

6. Why would you choose a database system instead of simply storing data in flat files?

7. What is a transaction? In what way it is different from the ordinary program in C?

8. Briefly explain the advantages of object-oriented systems.

9. Define & explain the importance database catalog (relations & columns). Explain the internal storage format of a catalog with an example.

10. How the database capabilities can be extended for new applications?

11. What are the responsibilities of DBA (Database Administrators) and database designers?

12. What are “end users” in DBMS? Explain the categories of end users.

13. What is a data model? Explain the categories of data models.

14. Define & explain the following terms with an example for each.

  • Snapshot
  • Database Schema
  • Schema Construct
  • Schema Diagram
  • Instances
  • Metadata

15. Define the terms in DBMS:

  • Empty state
  • Current State
  • Valid State
  • Intension
  • Extension
  • Program data independence

16. Discuss the three schema architecture with a neat diagram. Define entity, attribute. Also, explain the advantages & disadvantages (problems) of three schema architecture.

17. Define data independence. Explain the types of data independence.

18. Explain the different DBMS languages & interfaces.

19. Discuss the various component modules of a DBMS and their interaction with a neat diagram.

20. Explain the database utilities which help the DBA in managing database systems.

21. Explain the tools and communication facilities provided by DBMS.

22. Explain the centralized DBMS architecture with a neat diagram.

23. Explain the basic (logical) two-tier and three-tier client-server architecture with neat diagrams.

24. Discuss the criteria used to classify Database management systems.

25. What is data abstraction? How is it achieved in DBMS?

Chapter 2- Entity-Relationship Model

1. Describe how you would map the following scenarios in the ER model to a schema with a suitable example: i) weak entity type ii) one – to – many relationships.

2. Explain the main phases of database design with a neat diagram.

3. Define an entity and an attribute. Explain the different types of attributes that occur in the ER model, with an example.

4. Explain with an example each:

a. Entity types

b. entity sets

c. key attributes

d. value sets

5. Explain the initial conceptual design (preliminary design) of the company database.

6. Discuss the concepts related to the structural constraints of a relationship type with examples.

7. Design an E-R diagram for keeping track of information about a hospital database taking into account at least entities.

8. Define the following with an example each:

i) Weak entity type ii) Participation constraints iii) Cardinality ratio

iv) Recursive relationship v) Degree of a relationship type vi) Ternary relationship

vii) atomic attributes viii) participation role ix) relationship types

9. Explain how role names are assigned in the case of recursive relationships? Illustrate this concept with an example diagram.

10. What is the cardinality ratio? Explain the possible cardinality ratios for binary relationship types with an example.

11. What is the Participation constraint? Explain the different types of it, with an example.

12. Can relationship types have attributes associated with them? Justify your answer.

13. What is the concept of a weak entity type used in data modeling?

14. Define and explain:

i) owner entity type ii) weak entity type iii) identifying relationship type  iv) partial key v) many to many relationships

15. Discuss the conventions for displaying ER schemas as an ER diagram [example].

16. Explain the Design Choices for ER Conceptual Design.

17. Discuss the alternative diagrammatic notations for displaying ER diagrams.

18. With an instance diagram and the ER diagram, explain how to choose between binary and ternary (higher degree) relationship.

19. What are the two notations for specifying structural constraints on n-ary relationships? Explain.

20. Design an ER diagram for keeping track of information about an AIRLINE database taking into account at least six entities.

21. Design an ER diagram for maintaining a movie database taking into account at least four entities.

22. Draw an ER diagram for the musician performing for an album, with at least four entities. Indicate all key and cardinality constraints.

23. A bank has many branches, the bank has many customers. A customer can open many different kinds of accounts with the bank. Any customer of the bank can take a loan from the bank. All branches can give loans. Bank can also have installed automatic teller machines, from which a customer can withdraw from his/her bank. Draw the ER diagram for the bank. Make suitable assumptions, if any.


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