Database Management System – 15CS53 Question Bank 2


Database Management System - 15CS53 Question Bank 2

Database Management System – 15CS53 Question Bank 2

Chapter 1: Relational Model and Relational Algebra

1. Explain the various update operations involved in the Relational model.

2. Explain the steps involved in ER mapping to relational mapping taking a suitable example.

3. Discuss entity integrity and referential integrity constraints. Why is each considered important?

4. Discuss the different relational algebra operations.

5. Explain the different relational model constraints & possible violation during an update operation.

6. With an example explain clearly JOIN and UNION operations in relational algebra. Bring out the difference between natural JOIN and OUTER JOIN.

7. Define different set operations in relational algebra. Give one example of each.

Chapter 2: SQL – 1

1. What is SQL? What are its uses? Explain the schema and catalog concepts in SQL?

2. Explain the data types that are allowed for SQL attributes.

3. What is a domain in SQL? Explain with an example.

4. What are the different types of constraints in SQL? Explain.

5. Explain with an example, different types of “attribute constraints”. [NOT NULL, DEFAULT, CHECK].

6. What is meant by integrity constraint? Explain the importance of key and referential integrity constraints. How referential integrity constraint is implemented in SQL?

7. How do you specify constraints on tuples using CHECK command? Explain with an example.

8. Explain the schema change statements of SQL (schema evolution commands), with examples for each.

9. Explain with an example, the basic constraints that can be specified when creating a table in SQL.

10. Explain the ALTER TABLE command. Explain how the new constraint can be added and also an existing constraint can be removed using suitable examples.

11. Explain “Unspecified WHERE Clause and Use of the Asterisk”.

12. How the ambiguity can be solved by aliasing in SQL. Explain with an example.

13. Define multiset. Why tables are considered assets in SQL?

14. State the difference between DISTINCT and ALL in SQL with examples for each.

15. Explain the string pattern matching operator of SQL with examples.

16. Explain Between command with an example.

17. Explain INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE statements in SQL taking suitable examples.

18. Which command is used for ordering the query results? Explain with the syntax and an example.

19. Explain three-valued logic in SQL.

20. Explain nested and correlated nested queries in SQL with an example.

21. Explain IN and EXISTS operator with suitable examples.

22. What are the aggregate functions in SQL? Explain with examples.

23. Explain how the group by clause works? What is the difference between Where and Having clause? Explain with an example each.

24. What is UNION compatibility? Why do the UNION, INTERSECTION and DIFFERENCE operations require that the relations on whom they are applied be union compatible?


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