2018 Scheme 6 Sem EEE VTU CBCS Notes
Here you can download the notes, study materials, and question papers of the 2018 Scheme 6 sem Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) department VTU CBCS Notes.

University: Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi
Scheme: 2018 CBCS Scheme
Branch: Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)
Semester: 6th Sem
Core Subjects:
18EE61 Control Systems VTU CBCS Notes
18EE62 Power Systems Analysis – 1 VTU CBCS Notes
18EE63 Digital Signal Processing VTU CBCS Notes
Professional Electives:
18EE641 Introduction to Nuclear Power VTU CBCS Notes
18EE642 Electrical Engineering Materials VTU CBCS Notes
18EE643 Computer-Aided Electrical Drawing VTU CBCS Notes
18EE644 Embedded Systems VTU CBCS Notes
18EE645 Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ VTU CBCS Notes
18EE646 Electric Vehicle Technologies VTU CBCS Notes
18EE647 Sensors and Transducers VTU CBCS Notes
Open Electives:
18EE651 Industrial Servo Control Systems VTU CBCS Notes
18EE653 Renewable Energy Sources VTU CBCS Notes
18EE654 Introduction to Data Analytics VTU CBCS Notes
Laboratory Manuals
18EEL66 Control System Lab Manual 2020-21
18EEL67 Digital Signal Processing LAB Manual
Here you can download the 2018 Scheme 6th Sem EEE VTU CBCS Notes of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. If you like the material share it with your friends. Like the Facebook page for regular updates and YouTube channel for video tutorials.