Python Programs

Strings in Python

Video Tutorial on Strings in Python Strings in Python¶ The objective of this tutorial is to learn strings in python. The string operations, built-in functions on strings, sliscing operator etc., are discussed indetail with simple programming examples. Strings are ordered text based data which are represented by enclosing the same in single/double/triple quotes. Usually single […]

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Python program to find the second largest element, the cumulative sum of elements

Python program to find the second largest element, even and odd elements, the cumulative sum of elements Problem definition: Read the elements of the list from the user and find 1) find the second largest element 2) form two separate lists to store even and odd elements of the original list and 3) Create a

Python program to find the second largest element, the cumulative sum of elements Read More »

Python program to print total, count, and average of elements of a list

Python program to print total, count, and average of elements of a list Problem Definition Python program to read numbers from the user until the user enters ‘done’ and store the numbers into a list. Once the user enters ‘done’ print out the total, count, and average of elements of a list. Solution Step by

Python program to print total, count, and average of elements of a list Read More »

List in Python

Arrays in C  Array in C programming language is a collection of similar typed elements For Example: int a[3] = {10, 20, 30} float b[3] = {10.5, 20.5, 30.0} Video Tutorial Definition of List in Python List in python is a collection of similar or heterogeneous typed elements For Example: L1 = [10, 20, 30]

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