18CV34 Building Materials And Construction (BMC) VTU Question Bank
1. Discuss the requirement of a good building stone? Explain the dressing of stones.
2. Explain the causes for deterioration of stones and types preservation of stones.
3. What are the requirement of good bricks and explain field and laboratory tests.
4. List the various tests conducted on a coarse aggregate and explain any two of them in brief.
5. Briefly explain the importance of size, shape, and texture on coarse aggregates.
6. Explain Flakiness index and elongation index on coarse aggregate.
7. Explain bulking and specific gravity test on coarse aggregate.
8. Briefly explain the classification of bricks with respect to property.
9. Explain with a neat sketch of any five defects in timber.
10. Explain the different types of mortar.
11. What are the advantages of cement concrete blocks?
12. What are the requirements of good mortar? List the typical proportions used for cement mortar in the construction industry?
13. Explain the different methods of artificial seasoning of wood.
14. Explain the different types of blocks and what are the tests to be conducted ?
15. List the advantages and disadvantages of stabilized mud blocks.
16. Mention their objectives of seasoning of timber.
Module – 2
1. Explain in detail the plate load test for determining safe bearing capacity of soil.
2. Explain the method of determining the bearing capacity of soil by the method of dropping weight.
3. Discuss the various methods of improving the bearing capacity of soils.
4. What is the purpose of soil exploration?
5. List the different methods of site exploration and explain any two of them.
6. Write a note on sub surface soundings (types).
7. What do you understand by a trial pit, when do you adopt this method.
8. Explain in brief various methods of boring for subsoil exploration.
9. Define foundation and discuss various function s and requirements of foundations.
10. Enumerate different types of foundations you would recommend under different situations and soil conditions.
11. Explain with the help of sketches the following a) trapezoidal footing b) Strap Footing c) Mat foundation
12. What do you understand by grillage foundation? Draw a typical sketch for a steel grillage foundation for a steel stanchion.
13. Differentiate between strip footings and combined footing
14. Mention the situations in which the pile foundations are adopted and also list and explain the classification of pile foundations.
15. What are the causes of failures of foundation? What remedial measures would you adopt?
16. Define the terms Header, Stretcher, Bond, Quoins, Hearting, types of closers, Bats.
17. Explain the meaning of masonry bonds. Indicate which component of masonry is a weaker component. For brick masonry, indicate the features of masonry bonds that increase the strength of the wall?
18. Sketch the elevation of a brick wall built in i) English bond ii) Flemish bond. Compare the merits and demerits of English bond and Flemish bond.
19. Draw the plan and elevation of 1 1/2 brick thick wall of English bond Flemish bond.
20. Why brick masonry is preferred over size stone masonry?
21. Sketch random rubble masonry in stones in elevation and section.
22. Explain with neat sketch Ashlar masonry.
23. What are the different Joints in stone masonry? Explain.
24. List the different types of partition wall and explain and four of them.
25. Define Load bearing walls and Non load bearing walls.
26. Define cavity walls and what are the advantages of cavity walls?
27. Explain the general features of cavity walls.
Module 3
1. What are the functions of lintel and arches?
2. Briefly explain functions of chejja, canopy and balcony.
3. Define lintel. How are they classified according to materials of their construction?
4. Draw a neat sketch of an arch and define technical terms used.
5. How do you assess the stability of an arch?
6. Enumerate with help sketches various types of arches based on their shape and number of centers.
7. Define various elements of pitched roof.
8. What are the factors that govern the selection of flooring materials and explain any two flooring materials?
9. List various classification of flooring. Explain briefly.
10. What are the factors that govern the selection of roofing materials?
11. Sketch the elevation of the wood king and queen post roof truss. Indicate compression and tension components and Explain.
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of flat roof?
13. List the classification of pitched roof. With neat sketch explain any two of them
14. Explain the following – Cement concrete flooring, Terrazzo flooring, Mosaic flooring, Tiles cladding.
Module 4
1. Sketch a door with a single shutter and its door frame. Name different components of frame and shutter
2. Briefly explain factors to be considered while locating the position of doors and windows.
3. Write briefly on any three of the following with neat sketches – i)Panelled door ii) collapsible door/gate iii) Revolving doors iv) Bay window v) Corner window vi) paneled and glazed windows vii) Fixed window and pivoted window viii) Ventilator.
4. Write short notes on scaffolding, shoring and underpinning (methods).
5. With a neat sketch explain the types of stairs and What is the requirement of good stairs.
6. Define a stair. With a neat sketch explain the following terms: Thread, Riser, Nosing, slope, Flight, and landing.
7. With the help of a neat sketch briefly explain the dog-legged staircase and its components.
8. Plan a doglegged stair for a building in which the vertical distance between the floors is 3.6m. The stair hall measures 3m *5m (internal dimensions).
Module 5
1. What are the objectives/ purpose of plastering? Explain the requirement of a good plaster.
2. What are the various types of plaster finish?
3. Explain the method of applying -Stucco plastering, Laths plastering, Lime plastering, Cement plastering.
4. Discuss the defects in plastering.
5. Explain the methods of pointing
6. What are the causes and effects of dampness in buildings? Hence what do you understand about damp proof course (methods of damp-proof )?
7. Mention the objectives of painting and point out the characteristics of an ideal paint.
8. Explain the method of varnishing wood works.
9. Describe the different type of paint available in market and their specific usage
10. Explain in brief defects in painting
11. Explain the constituents/ingredients of paint.
12. Explain the procedure of painting to plastered surface, new wood work.
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