17CS35 – UNIX Shell Programming Question Bank


17CS35 - UNIX Shell Programming Question Bank

17CS35 – UNIX Shell Programming Question Bank


1. What is a vi editor? With the neat diagram explain the modes of it.

2. Explain the input mode commands with an example.

3. Explain the ex-mode commands with an example.

4. Explain the command mode commands with an example.

5. Explain how the text editing is done in vi editor with an example.

6. Explain how search and replace of pattern is done in vi editor.

7. Define a shell and its environmental variable? Explain its life cycle.

8. Explain the three sources of Standard input and Standard output.

9. Explain the grep command with options.

10. Explain what these wildcard patterns match: i)[A-Z]????* ii)[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]* iii)*.[!s][!h] iv) aA]gg?[ar][ar]wal.

11. Explain the BRE character subset used for constructing regular expression with an example.

12. What is egrep?explain it with an example.

13. Explain with an example set abbr and map command.


1. What is a shell script? Explain the following statements with syntax and examples i) if ii) while iii) case.

2. Explain the special parameters used by the shell.

3. Explain the following command with an example.

i. Tail, head   ii. Paste    iii. cut   iv. umask

4. Explain the sort command and its options.

5. Explain different way of using test statement with examples.

6. What are the hard-links? Explain two application areas of hard-links. What are the disadvantages of the hard-link?

7. Difference between soft link and hard link with an example.

8. Explain the shell features of For loop and explain its list.

9. Explain briefly the set and shift command in UNIX.

10. Explain the two special files in UNIX?


1. What is a process . mention briefly the role of fork , exec mechanism of process creation.

2. Explain variables and operators in Perl.

3. Write a Perl script to determine whether the given year is a leap year or not

4. Explain the following command with example.

i. Running jobs in background. ( & and nohup )

ii. Execute later. ( at and batch )

5. Explain the following in Perl

i. For each looping   ii. Join   iii. Split   iv. Chomp and chop   v. splice

6. Explain the following string handling function

i) Length   ii) Index   iii) Substr   iv) Reverse

7. Using Perl script converts a decimal number to a binary equivalent **

8. Write a short note on Find Command.

9. Explain file handling in Perl and File test.

10. Explain how the pattern matching is done in Perl.

11. What is a subroutine? With a syntax and an example explain how it is defined and used in Perl

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