Series Pattern Program for (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n)


Series Pattern Program for (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n) in Python, C, C++ and Java

This article discusses, how to write a prorgram to solve Series Pattern Program for (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n) series in python, C, C++ and Java.

Problem Definition

Write a prorgram to solve Series Pattern Program for (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n) series in python, C, C++ and Java.

Sample input and Output:

Enter the value of n: 5

Sum is: 55

Source code to solve the series pattern (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n) in python

sum = 0
n = int (input("Enter the value of n:"))
for i in range(1,n+1):
    sum = sum + (i * i)
print ("Sum is: ", sum)

Source code to solve the series pattern (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n) in C

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int i,n,sum=0;
    printf ("Enter the value of n:");
    scanf ("%d", &n);
        sum += i * i;
    printf("Sum is: %d",sum);
    return 0;

Source code to solve the series pattern (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n) in CPP (C++)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int i,n,sum=0;
    cout << "Enter the value of n:";
    cin >> n;
        sum += i * i;
    cout << "Sum is: " << sum;
    return 0;

Source code to solve the series pattern (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n) in Java

import java.util.Scanner;
class Series2
    private static Scanner scan;
    public static void main(String[] args)
 	int i, n, sum = 0;
	scan = new Scanner(;
	System.out.println("Enter the value of n:");
	n = scan.nextInt();
	    sum += i * i;
	System.out.print("Sum is: " + sum);

Find Frequently asked Pattern Programs in the interview on:

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This article discusses, how to write a program to display Series Pattern (1*1) + (2*2) + (3*3) + (4*4) + (5*5) + … + (n*n) in Python, C, CPP (C++), and Java programming language with the video tutorials.

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