C++ program to swap two integers using class, Object and reference variable
In this tutorial, we will Learn:
What is a reference variable?
Difference between Reference and Pointer Variable.
How to Create and use Reference Variable in C++ programs
Write a C++ program to swap two integers values and display the values before and after swapping using call by reference.
Definition of Reference variable in C++
A reference variable is just another name to an already existing variable.
Difference between Reference and Pointer Variable

How to Creating Reference Variable
The reference variable is created using the & symbol.
For example, let a is a variable and we can create a reference variable of a as x as follows,
int a =10;
int &x=a;
Here variable x is a reference variable for variable a. Both a and x are pointing at the same memory location. Hence if the value of a is changed then the value of x also changes automatically.
Video Tutorial:
Use of Reference
The reference variables are used to pass the parameter to the functions pass by reference.
Points to Remember
1. Reference variables should not be initilized with a constant value. For example int &a=100 is not allowed.
2. Never return the reference variable from a function as a memory address.
3. Avoid assigning the reference variables to the variables whose memory is dynamically allocated.
The following program demonstrates the C++ program to swap two integers values and display the values before and after swapping using call by reference.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; void swap(int &x, int &y) { int temp; temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } int main() { int a, b; cout<<"Enter the value of a: "; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter the value of b: "; cin>>b; cout<<endl<<"Before swapping: "; cout<<"a= "<<a<<" and b= "<<b;swap(a, b);
cout<<endl<<"After swapping: ";
cout<<"a= "<<a<<" and b= "<<b;
Enter the value of a: 10
Enter the value of b: 20
Before swapping: a= 10 and b= 20
After swapping: a= 20 and b= 10
In this article, we understood the concept of reference variables and write a C++ program to swap two integers values and display the values before and after swapping using class, object, and call by reference (reference variable).
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