17EC32 Analog Electronics VTU Notes


17EC32 Analog Electronics VTU Notes

Download VU CBCS notes of 17EC32 Analog Electronics for 3rd-semester Electronics and Communications Engineering, VTU Belagavi.

Module 1 – BJT AC Analysis

Following are the contents of module 1 – BJT AC AnalysisIntroduction to BJT AC Analysis. The BJT Transistor, re transistor modeling. The Emitter fixed, Voltage divider bias, and follower configuration of the emitter.

Module 2 – Field-Effect Transistors and FET Amplifiers

Following are the contents of module 2 – Field-Effect Transistors and FET AmplifiersIntroduction to Field-Effect Transistors. Construction, Transfer, and Characteristics of JFETs. Depletion and Enhancement type of MOSFET.Introduction to FET Amplifiers. Fixed bias, Self-bias, Voltage divider configuration, Common Gate, Source-Follower, Cascade configuration.

Module 3 – BJT and JFET Frequency Response

Following are the contents of module 3 – BJT and JFET Frequency ResponseIntroduction to BJT and JFET Frequency Response. Low frequency and high-frequency response – BJT Amplifier with RL, Low frequency, and High-frequency response –  FET Amplifier.

Module 4 – Feedback and Oscillator Circuits

Following are the contents of module 4 – Feedback and Oscillator CircuitsIntroduction to Feedback and Oscillator Circuits. Feedback concepts, connection types, Practical circuits and Oscillator operation.

Module 5 – Power Amplifiers and amplifiers. Voltage regulators

Following are the contents of module 5 – Power Amplifiers and amplifiers. Voltage regulatorsIntroduction to Power Amplifiers. Definition of Power Amplifiers and amplifier types. Transformer coupled and series fed class A, Class B amplifier. The operation, circuits, and amplifier distortion of Class C & Class D amplifiers. Introduction to voltage regulators.Click the below link to download the 2017 Scheme VTU CBCS Notes of 17EC32 Analog Electronics

M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5

Click the below link to download the 2017 Scheme VTU Question Papers of the ECE Department

ECE VTU Question Papers

2018 Scheme VTU  Notes Electronics and Communications Engineering

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