Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Tutorial

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Tutorial with Simple Solved Examples Introduction Machine Learning In this section, you will learn, Basic Concepts of machine learning such as, Concept Learning, what is a consistent hypothesis, list-then-eliminate algorithm, Find-S algorithm, Candidate elimination algorithm. Concept Learning in Machine Learning Find-S Algorithm Machine Learning and Unanswered Questions of Find-S Algorithm

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Backpropagation Algorithm Machine Learning

Backpropagation Algorithm – Machine Learning – Artificial Neural Network In this tutorial i will discuss the Backpropagation Algorithm and its implementation in Python. Video Tutorial on Backpropagation Algorithm BACKPROPAGATION (training_example, ƞ, nin, nout, nhidden) Each training example is a pair of the form (𝑥, 𝑡), where (𝑥) is the vector of network input values, and

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Locally Weighted Regression Algorithm in Python

Python Program to Implement the Locally Weighted Regression Algorithm Exp. No. 10.   Implement the non-parametric Locally Weighted Regression algorithm in Python in order to fit data points. Select the appropriate data set for your experiment and draw graphs. Locally Weighted Regression Algorithm Regression: Regression is a technique from statistics that are used to predict values

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