Lex Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression


Lex program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression and to recognize the identifiers and operators present. Print them separately.

Problem definition:

Write a Lex Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression. If the arithmetic expression is valid then recognize the identifiers and operators present in the expression and print identifiers and operators separately.

Structure of LEX Program:

Definition section

Rules section

User Subroutine section  

Click here to know – How to Compile & Run LEX / YACC Programs on Windows 8, 10, and 11?

Source Code to recognize a valid arithmetic expression and display operators and identifiers in it

int flag=0,i=0,j,k=0;
char operand[20][20],oparator[20][20];

[a-zA-Z0-9]+  {flag++; strcpy(operand[i],yytext);  i++;}
[-+*/]	{flag--;  strcpy(oparator[k],yytext);    k++;}

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	printf("enter an arithmetic expression\n");
		printf("Invalid expression\n");
		printf("Valid expression\n");
		printf("The operands are\t");
		printf("\nThe operators are\t");

int yywrap( )
	return 1;


input.c is the input file for the program

maheshgh@maheshgh:~/LexYacc$ lex demo.l

maheshgh@maheshgh:~/LexYacc$ gcc lex.yy.c

maheshgh@maheshgh:~/LexYacc$ ./a.out

Enter an arithmetic expression


Valid expression

The operands are a b c

The operators are + *

maheshgh@maheshgh:~/LexYacc$ ./a.out

Enter an arithmetic expression


Invalid expression


This article discusses how to write a Lex Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression and to recognize the identifiers and operators present. Print them separately. If you like the article, do share it with your friends.

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