Lex Program to simple or compound sentence


Lex Program to recognize whether a given sentence is simple or compound

Problem definition:

Write a Lex Program to recognize whether a given sentence is a simple or compound sentence. Print the result on standard output.

A simple sentence is one that does not contain another sentence as a component. These sentences are represented by capital letters A-Z.

A compound sentence contains at least one simple sentence as a component, along with connecting keywords such as and, if, but, because, then, etc.

Structure of LEX Program:

Definition section

Rules section

User Subroutine section  

Click here to learn – How to Compile & Run LEX / YACC Programs on Windows 8, 10, and 11?

Lex Program to recognize whether a given sentence is simple or compound

/*Program to recognize whether a given sentence is simple or compound.*/
	int flag=0;

and |
or |
but |
because |
if |
then |
nevertheless  { flag=1; }
.  ;
\n  { return 0; }

int main()
	printf("Enter the sentence:\n");
		printf("Simple sentence\n");
		printf("compound sentence\n");

int yywrap( )
	return 1;


maheshgh@maheshgh:~/LexYacc$ lex demo.l

maheshgh@maheshgh:~/LexYacc$ gcc lex.yy.c

maheshgh@maheshgh:~/LexYacc$ ./a.out

Enter the sentence:

My name is Mahesh Huddar and I am from India

(Note: press control+d after input)

Compound sentence

maheshgh@maheshgh:~/LexYacc$ ./a.out

My name is Mahesh Huddar

(Note: press control+d after input)

Simple sentence


This article discusses how to write a lex program to find whether a given statement is simple or compound If you like the article, do share it with your friends.

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