Basics of Shell Script


Basics of Shell Script

When we want to execute a group of commands, then they should be stored in a file, and the file itself executed as a shell program or shell script. We use a .sh extension for all shell scripts.

Every Shell script begins with special interpreter line like- #!/bin/sh OR #!/bin/ksh OR #!/bin/bash This interpreter line specifies, which shell (Bourne/Korn/Bash) user prefer to execute the shell script, and it may or may not be same as a user login shell.


1. The following script displays the system current date and current months calendar.

#Sample Shell Script – 

echo "Today's Date: `date`" 
echo "This Month's Calender:" 

Execution and Output:

Steps to run the script:

1. First, we need to change the permissions of the script to be executed using chmod.

2. Then using sh command the script is executed.

$ chmod 777	#Make Script Executable 
$ sh		#Execute Script –

Today's Date: Sun Jan 13 15:40:13 IST 2013 

This Month's Calender: 
    	       January 2013      
Su  Mo  Tu  We   Th   Fr   Sa  
         1   2    3   4     5  
6   7    8   9   10   11   12  
13 14   15   16  17   18   19  
20 21   22   23  24   25   26  
27 28   29   30  31


2. Making the script interactive by reading data from standard input such as a keyboard.

#Sample Shell Script - 

echo "Enter Your First Name:" 
read fname 
echo "Enter Your Last Name:" 
read lname 
echo "Your First Name is: $fname" 
echo " Your Last Name is: $lname" 

Execution and Output:

$ chmod 777
$ sh
Enter Your First Name: Rahul 
Enter Your Last Name: Dravid 
Your First Name is: Rahul 
Your Last Name is: Dravi

Using the command line arguments

Shell script also accepts arguments from the command line. It makes the shell script to run non-interactively and be used with redirection and pipelines. When arguments are specified with a shell script, they are assigned to positional parameters. The shell uses the following parameters to handle command line arguments –

Shell parameter



Number of arguments specified in the command line


Name of the executed command

$1, $2, …

Positional parameters representing command line arguments


Complete set of positional parameters as a single string


Each quoted string is treated as a separate argument, same as $*


3. Shell Script to demonstrate command line arguments

#Shell Script to demonstrate command line arguments - 

echo "The Script Name is: $0"
echo "Number of arguments specified is: $#"
echo "The arguments are: $*"
echo "First Argument is: $1"
echo "Second Argument is: $2"
echo "Third Argument is: $3"
echo "Fourth Argument is: $4"
echo "The arguments are: $@"

Execution and Output:

$ sh welcome to hit nidasoshi [Enter] 
The Script Name is: 
Number of arguments specified is: 4 
The arguments are: Welcome to VTU Belagavi
First Argument is: Welcome 
Second Argument is: to 
Third Argument is: VTU 
Fourth Argument is: Belagavi 
The arguments are: Welcome to VTU Belagavi


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