150+ Machine Learning Projects Source Code


Download 150+ Machine Learning Projects Source Code

Here you can find various (150+) machine learning projects with source code and download the same.

150+ Machine Learning Projects Source Code

Contact vtupulse@gmail.com for project source code and demonstration

1. Machine Learning Project – Adult Salary Prediction

2. Machine Learning Project – Bitcoin Price Prediction

3. Machine Learning Project – Boston Housing Analysis

4. Machine Learning Project – Indian-classical-dance problem using Machine Learning

5. Machine Learning Project – Income Classification using ML

6. Machine Learning Project – Imdb sentiment review Analysis using ML

7. Machine Learning Project – Advanced Hyperparameter Tunning

8. Machine Learning Project – House_Price_Prediction Detailed Analysis

9. Machine Learning Project – (HealthCare) Heart_Disease Prediction

10. Machine Learning Project – Titanic Problem Handling Missing Values

11. Machine Learning Project – Credit Card Fraud Problem Handling Imbalanced Dataset

12. Machine Learning Project – Hand Digit Recognition Using ML

13. Machine Learning Project – Gold Price Prediction

14. Machine Learning Project – Fraud Detection Using ML

15. Machine Learning Project – Forecasting using ARIMA

16. Machine Learning Project – Flower Species Classification

17. Machine Learning Project – Flight Fare Prediction

18. Machine Learning Project – FIFA Data Analysis

19. Machine Learning Project – Fashion MNIST Data Analysis Using ML

20. Machine Learning Project – Face Mask Detection using ML

21. Machine Learning Project – Face Expression Identifier

22. Machine Learning Project – Employee Turnover Prediction

23. Machine Learning Project – Earthquake Prediction

24. Machine Learning Project – Dog Vs Cat Classification

25. Machine Learning Project – Advanced Credit Card fraud Detection

26. Machine Learning Project – Cotton_Disease_Prediction

27. Machine Learning Project – NLP Disaster or Not Disaster

28. Machine Learning Project – Outliers Detection

29. Machine Learning Project – Plant Diseases Recognition

30. Machine Learning Project – Pneumonia Classification

31. Machine Learning Project – InDetailed Principal Component Analysis

32. Machine Learning Project – Rain Fall Prediction

33. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual Analysis) Select Right Threshold Value using ROC curve

34. Machine Learning Project – Live Smile Detector

35. Machine Learning Project – Spam Classifier ML Project

36. Machine Learning Project – Student Performance Analysis

37. Machine Learning Project – Text Summarization (Medium)

38. Machine Learning Project – Time Series Forecasting

39. Machine Learning Project – Time Series With LSTM

40. Machine Learning Project – Titanic Survival Prediction

41. Machine Learning Project – Tracking of Covid-19

42. Machine Learning Project – Traffic_Sign_Recognition

43. Machine Learning Project – Wine Quality Prediction

44. Machine Learning Project – XgBoost ALgorithm

45. Machine Learning Project – Customer Segmentation

46. Machine Learning Project – Breast Cancer Detection

47. Machine Learning Project – Car And Pedestrian Tracker

48. Machine Learning Project – Car Price Prediction

49. Machine Learning Project – Cifar 10 ML Project

50. Machine Learning Project – 50_startups Success Rate Prediction

51. Machine Learning Project – Bigmart Sales Prediction Analysis – Regression

52. Machine Learning Project – Wine Quality Prediction Analysis – Classification

53. Machine Learning Project – Turkiye Student Evaluation Analysis – Clustering

54. Machine Learning Project – Traffic Forecast – Time Series Analysis

55. Machine Learning Project – Million Songs Dataset – Recommendation Engine

56. Machine Learning Project – Loan Prediction Analysis – Classification

57. Machine Learning Project – Iris dataset analysis – Classification

58. Machine Learning Project – Image to Text Conversion & Extraction – OCR

59. Machine Learning Project – Face Detection (OpenCV) – Computer Vision

60. Machine Learning Project – Boston Housing Prediction Analysis – Regression

61. Machine Learning Project – Black Friday Sales Prediction Analysis – Regression

62. Machine Learning Project – Bike Sharing Demand Analysis – Regression

63. Machine Learning Project – Data Scientist’s Salary Prediction

64. Machine Learning Project – Diabetes Classification

65. Machine Learning Project – Heart Disease Prediction

66. Machine Learning Project – First Innings Score Prediction – IPL

67. Machine Learning Project – Mall Customer Segmentation

68. Machine Learning Project – Predicting Admission into UCLA

69. Machine Learning Project – Predicting House Prices in Bengaluru

70. Machine Learning Project – 3-Way Sentiment Analysis for Tweets

71. Machine Learning Project – 911 Calls – Exploratory Analysis

72. Machine Learning Project – 2016 General Election Poll Analysis

73. Machine Learning Project – Cross-Language Information Retrieval

74. Machine Learning Project – digit recognition mnist sequence

75. Machine Learning Project – Stock Market Analysis for Tech Stocks

76. Machine Learning Project – Titanic Dataset – Exploratory Analysis

77. Machine Learning Project – Medical Cost Personal

78. Machine Learning Project – Drinking Water Potability

79. Machine Learning Project – Ground Hog Day Predictions

80. Machine Learning Project – Mall Customer Segmentation Data

81. Machine Learning Project – Wine Production Analysis

82. Machine Learning Project – Marketing Campaign Result Prediction

83. Machine Learning Project -Regression – First Innings Score Prediction – IPL

84. Machine Learning Project – Sentiment Analysis – Dow Jones (DJIA) Stock using News Headlines

85. Machine Learning Project -Sentiment Analysis – Restaurant Reviews

86. Machine Learning Project – Clustering -Mall Customer Segmentation

87. Machine Learning Project – Clustering – KMeans Clustering for Imagery Analysis

88. Machine Learning Project -China GDP Estimation

89. Machine Learning Project -Clustering -Turkiye Student Evaluation Analysis – Clustering

90. Machine Learning Project – SMS Spam Detection Analysis – NLP

91. Machine Learning Project – Text Summarization using Word Frequency – NLP

92. Machine Learning Project – Movie Recommendation Engine

93. Machine Learning Project – Spam Email Classification

94. Machine Learning Project – Traffic Sign Recognizer

95. Machine Learning Project – Regression – Black Friday Sales Prediction Analysis

96. Machine Learning Project – Image to Text Conversion & Extraction – OCR

97. Machine Learning Project – Autoencoder Fashion MNIST

98. Machine Learning Project – Tokyo 2020 Monitor Tweets Frequency

99. Machine Learning Project – Tesla Car Price Prediction

100. Machine Learning Project – California Housing

101. Machine Learning Project – Ad Demand Forecast Avito

102. Machine Learning Project – articles_rec_system

103. Machine Learning Project – Autoencoder for customer churn

104. Machine Learning Project – Bayesian Logistic Regression_bank marketing

105. Machine Learning Project – Bayesian Statistics Python

106. Machine Learning Project – BOW_TFIDF_Xgboost_update

107. Machine Learning Project – breast_cancer_prediction

108. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) machine learning spaCy

109. Machine Learning Project – Mercari Price Suggestion Lightgbm

110. Machine Learning Project – Modeling House Price with Regularized Linear Model _ Xgboos

111. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) Nhanes_confidence_intervals

112. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) nhanes_hypothesis_testing

113. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) Practical Statistics House Python_update

114. Machine Learning Project – Price Elasticity of Demand Analysis

115. Machine Learning Project – Promotional Time Series

116. Machine Learning Project – PySpark Basic DataFrame Operations

117. Machine Learning Project – Recommender Systems – The Fundamentals

118. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) Regression Diagnostics

119. Machine Learning Project – Seattle Hotels Recommender

120. Machine Learning Project – Solving A Simple Classification Problem with Python

121. Machine Learning Project – Spark DataFrames Project Exercise_Udemy

122. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) Supervised Learning – Part I

123. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) Supervised Learning – Part II

124. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) Text Classification Keras

125. Machine Learning Project – Text Classification keras_consumer_complaints

126. Machine Learning Project – Time Series Forecastings

127. Machine Learning Project – TPOT Mercedes

128. Machine Learning Project – Weather Data Classification using Decision Trees

129. Machine Learning Project – Weather Data Clustering using k-Means

130. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) Working with Databases

131. Machine Learning Project – (Conceptual) Xgboost_bow_tfidf

132. Machine Learning Project – Building Recommended system in an hour

133. Machine Learning Project – Building Recommender system with surprise

134. Machine Learning Project – CLV _non_contractual

135. Machine Learning Project – CLV_online_Retail

136. Machine Learning Project – Collaborative Filtering Model with TensorFlow

137. Machine Learning Project – Consumer complaints

138. Machine Learning Project – Customer Segmentation Online Retail

139. Machine Learning Project – Customer Segmentation Whosale

140. Machine Learning Project – Employee_Turnover

141. Machine Learning Project – Granger Causality Test

142. Machine Learning Project – H2O Higgs Boson

143. Machine Learning Project – Logistic Regression balanced

144. Machine Learning Project – LSTM Time Series Power Consumption

145. Machine Learning Project – Machine Learning for Diabetes

146. Machine Learning Project- Movies Recommendation system

147. Machine Learning Project – Language Translation Model using ML

148. Machine Learning Project -U.S. Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices 1995-2021

149. Machine Learning Project – Twitter Sentiment Analysis – NLP

150. Machine Learning Project – Image Caption Project

151. Machine Learning Project – fifa21 Data Cleaning

152. Machine Learning Project – Drive Data Analysis

153. Machine Learning Project – Advanced Uses of SHAP Values

154. Machine Learning Project – Social Network Ads Result Analysis

155. Machine Learning Project – Captcha Recognition

156. Machine Learning Project – QR codes Readability

Contact vtupulse@gmail.com for project source code and demonstration


Here you can Download 150+ Machine Learning Projects with Source Code for final year students. If you like the material share it with your friends. Like the Facebook page for regular updates and YouTube channel for video tutorials.

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