Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Heuristic Search – Characteristics Advantages – Artificial Intelligence

What do you mean by heuristic and heuristic search? What are the advantages and Characteristics of Heuristic Search? – Artificial Intelligence There are two types of search algorithms in Artificial Intelligence, Uninformed search algorithms and Informed search algorithms. Uninformed search algorithms or Brute-force algorithms, search through the search space all possible candidates for the solution […]

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Depth-first search Example Advantages and Disadvantages

Explain Depth-first search (DFS) with an example. List down the advantages and disadvantages of DFS – Artificial Intelligence Depth-first search (DFS) Breadth-First –Search is an uninformed search technique. We may sometimes search the goal along with the largest depth of the tree, and move up only when further traversal along the depth is not possible.

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Breadth-first search Example Advantages and Disadvantages

Explain Breadth-first search (BFS) with an example. List down the advantages and disadvantages of BFS – Artificial Intelligence Breadth-first search (BFS) Breadth-First –Search is an uninformed search technique. Consider the state space of a problem that takes the form of a tree. Now, if we search the goal along with each breadth of the tree,

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Control Strategy and Requirements in Artificial Intelligence

Define Control Strategy and requirements for good search strategy – Artificial Intelligence Production systems in artificial intelligence consist of: 1. A set of rules, “each consisting of a left side (a pattern) that determines the applicability of the rule and a right side that describes the operation to be performed if the rule is applied.”

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Problem Characteristics in Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence? Problem Characteristics in Artificial Intelligence Definition: Artificial Intelligence is a “way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think”. Since artificial intelligence (AI) is mainly related to the search process, it is important to have some methodology to choose the best

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Production System in Artificial Intelligence

What is a Production System? List and explain production system categories – Artificial Intelligence Since the search process is the core of many artificial intelligence (AI) processes, it is useful to structure Al programs in a way that facilitates describing and performing the search process. Production systems in artificial intelligence provide such structures so that

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Solve Tic Tac Toe Game in Artificial Intelligence

3 different Ways to solve Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Artificial Intelligence Problem Definition: What are the 3 different ways of solving the Tic-Tac-Toe Problem applying AI? Show the improvements obtained from one over the other using better knowledge representation. Solution: The tic-Tac-Toe game can be solved in three ways. The programs or solutions in the Series

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Steps to Solve Problems in Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence? Steps to Solve Problems in Artificial Intelligence Definition of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is “the study of how to make computers do things, which, at the moment, people do better”. According to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John McCarthy, it is “The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent

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