Soft Computing Video Tutorial – Solved Numerical Examples and Implementation in Python
Linear Regression Solved Example Coefficient of Correlation Machine Learning by Vidya Mahesh Huddar
ID3 | Decision Tree | Decision Tree Learning Solved Example ID3 Algorithm by Vidya Mahesh Huddar
Singular Value Decomposition in Hindi SVD Rectangular Matrices Solved Example by Vidya Mahesh Huddar
Histogram Equalization Solved Example 2 in Hindi Digital Image Processing by Vidya Mahesh Huddar New
17. Find lambda cut Relation for Fuzzy Relation in Fuzy Logic Soft Computing by Vidya Mahesh Huddar
16. Find λ cut sets | lambda cut sets using Zadeh’s notation in Fuzzy Logic by Vidya Mahesh Huddar
1. Introduction to Artificial Neural Network | How ANN Works | Soft Computing | Machine Learning
2. Three Basic Components or Entities of Artificial Neural Network Introduction | Soft Computing
2.1 Activation Functions Binary Bipolar Sigmoidal Ramp in Artificial Neural Network by Mahesh Huddar
3. Sigmoid Activation Function Solved Example | Soft Computing | Machine Learning ANN Mahesh Huddar
4. Implement AND function using McCulloch–Pitts neuron | Soft Computing Neural Network Mahesh Huddar
5. Implement ANDNOT function using McCulloch–Pitts neuron | Soft Computing | ANN by Mahesh Huddar
6. Implement XOR function using McCulloch–Pitts neuron Soft Computing Machine Learning Mahesh Huddar
7. Design a Hebb net to implement logical AND function Soft Computing Machine Learning Mahesh Huddar
8. Hebb Net Solved Numerical Example 1 | Soft Computing | Artificial Neural Network by Mahesh Huddar
9. Hebb Net Solved Numerical Example 2 | Soft Computing | Artificial Neural Network by Mahesh Huddar
10. Perceptron Learning Rule | Perceptron Neuron in Soft Computing | ANN | ML | DM by Mahesh Huddar
11. Implement AND function using perceptron networks for bipolar inputs and targets by Mahesh Huddar
12. Perceptron Learning Rule to classify given example Solve example Soft computing by Mahesh Huddar
13. Adaptive Linear Neuron (Adaline) Introduction Architecture Soft Computing by Mahesh Huddar
14. Design OR GATE Using Adaline - Adaptive Linear Neuron in Soft Computing by Mahesh Huddar
15. How to Design and Implement XOR GATE using Madaline Linear Unit Soft Computing by Mahesh Huddar
16. Update weights using backpropagation algorithm bipolar sigmoid Activation function Mahesh Huddar
17. How to Train a Heteroassociative Memory Network Hebb Rule to Store input to output Mahesh Huddar
18. How to Train a Hetero Associative Memory Network using Outer Product Rule by Mahesh Huddar
19. Bidirectional Associative Memory – Binary Weights to Store input to output vector Mahesh Huddar
20 How to train Autoassociative Memory Network using Outer Product Rule Soft Computing Mahesh Huddar
22. Maxnet Neural Network Solved Example with Four Activations & Inhibitory Weight by Mahesh Huddar
23. Hamming Network Solved Example | Hamming Nets to Cluster 4 Vectors Soft Computing Mahesh Huddar
24. Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Map KSOFM KSOM Solved Example 1 Soft Computing by Mahesh Huddar
25. Kohonen self-organizing feature map | KSOM Example | KSOFM Solved Example 2 by Mahesh Huddar
27. Learning Vector Quantization | LVQ | LVQ Solved Example - 1 in Soft Computing by Mahesh Huddar
28. LVQ | Learning Vector Quantization Solved Example | LVQ Solved Example 2 by Mahesh Huddar
29. Full Counter Propagation Net | CPN | FCPN | Solved Example - 1 Soft Computing by Mahesh Huddar
30. Full Counter Propagation Net | CPN | FCPN | Solved Example - 1 Soft Computing by Mahesh Huddar
Genetic Algorithm GA Solved Example Maximizing Value of Function in Machine Learning Mahesh Huddar
Genetic Algorithm Solved Example to Maximize the Value of Function Machine Learning by Mahesh Huddar
Encoding Techniques in Genetic Algorithm Binary Value Permutation Tree Encoding by Mahesh Huddar
Selection Operators Roulette Wheel Ranking Tournament Selection in Genetic Algorithm Mahesh Huddar
#1.Binary Coded Crossover Operators Genetic Algorithm Example in Machine Learning by Mahesh Huddar
#2. Real Coded Crossover Operators Genetic Algorithm Example in machine learning by Mahesh Huddar
#3. Order Coded Crossover Operators Genetic Algorithm Example in machine learning by Mahesh Huddar
Mutation Operators in Genetic Algorithm | Flip Bit | Swap | Scramble | Inversion in GA Mahesh Huddar
1. Introduction to Classical Sets or Crisp Sets in Fuzzy Set Fuzzy Logic by Mahesh Huddar
2. Operations on Classical Sets or Crisp Sets | Union | Intersection in Fuzzy Logic by Mahesh Huddar
7. Fuzzy Sets Solved Example Union Intersection Complement Difference in Fuzzy Logic Mahesh Huddar
8. Fuzzy Sets Solved Example Union Intersection Complement Difference in Fuzzy Logic Mahesh Huddar
9. Fuzzy Sets Solved Example Union Intersection Complement and Difference Fuzzy Logic Mahesh Huddar
10. Find the algebraic sum & product, bounded sum & difference given fuzzy Sets by Mahesh Huddar
11. Find the algebraic sum & product, bounded sum & difference given fuzzy Sets by Mahesh Huddar