
Disease Prediction from Symptoms using Machine Learning with Flask App Project

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The following contents are Downloadable immediately after the successful payment

  • Source Code

  • Dataset

  • Flask App

  • Project Report (Both PDF and Word files)

  • PowerPoint Presentation (PPT)

  • Instructions to install the necessary Software and Libraries

  • Step-by-step instructions to execute the project

Project Description

Disease Prediction from Symptoms involves using machine learning (ML) techniques to identify and compare medical cases based on clinical features such as symptoms, diagnoses, test results, and treatment outcomes. This approach helps healthcare professionals find similar cases, aiding in diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and patient management.

Video Demonstration of Disease Prediction from Symptoms Machine Learning with Flask App Project


Steps in Implementing Disease Prediction from Symptoms Machine Learning with Flask App Project:-

Data Collection:
Medical records, including structured (e.g., lab results) and unstructured data (e.g., clinical notes).

Data Preprocessing:
Cleaning, normalizing, and encoding data into a machine-readable format.

Feature Extraction:
Extracting relevant features like patient demographics, vital signs, lab results, and clinical histories.

Similarity Measurement:
Algorithms such as cosine similarity, Euclidean distance, or more advanced techniques like neural embeddings are used to measure case similarity.

Model Training:
Training ML models (e.g., k-NN, clustering algorithms, deep learning models) to learn patterns from labeled or unlabeled patient data.

Evaluation & Deployment:
Evaluating model performance using metrics like precision, recall, and F1-score, then deploying in a healthcare application.


Clinical Decision Support: Recommending diagnoses or treatments based on similar past cases.

Medical Research: Identifying cohorts for clinical trials.

Patient Risk Prediction: Assessing the likelihood of complications by comparing similar patient histories.

Personalized Medicine: Tailoring treatments based on individual case similarities.

Installation of required software and libraries

1. Install the Anaconda Python Package and TensorFlow 2.10 
Follow this video to understand, how to Install Anaconda and TensorFlow 2.10
Important Note:
If TensorFlow is not running properly, downgrade the numpy version to 1.26.4 using the below command
>> pip install numpy==1.26.4
2. Open anaconda prompt (Search for Anaconda prompt and open)
3. Change the directory to the project folder using the below command
>> cd path_of_project_folder
Example: cd D:\Disease_Prediction_From_Symptoms
4. Activate the virtual environment created while installing TensorFlow using the command
>> conda activate tf
Note: Here tf is the virtual environment name created while installing TensorFlow
5. Now install the required libraries using the below command
>> pip install -r requirements.txt

Follow the steps to train the model after installing the requirements.

1. Open anaconda prompt (Search for Anaconda prompt and open)
2. Change the directory to the project folder using the below command
>> cd path_of_project_folder
Example: cd D:\Disease_Prediction_From_Symptoms
3. Activate the virtual environment created while installing TensorFlow using the command
>> conda activate tf
4. Next to train the model open the Jupyter Notebook using the below command
>> jupyter notebook
5. Open the disease_prediction_model.ipynb and run all cells
6. Once the training is completed the trained model is disease_prediction_model.h5 and preprocessing that is preprocessing.pkl will be stored in the current working directory

Follow the steps to run the project after installing the requirements and Training the Model.

1. Open anaconda prompt (Search for Anaconda prompt and open)
2. Change the directory to the project folder using the below command
>> cd path_of_project_folder
Example: cd D:\Disease_Prediction_From_Symptoms
3. Activate the virtual environment created while installing TensorFlow using the command
>> conda activate tf
4. To run the Flask app use the following command
>> python

Happy Learning

Still need help to set up and execute the project

  • Setup and modification are paid services based on requirements.


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