Salary Prediction End-to-End Machine Learning Project Source Code


Link to Download the Source Code of Salary Prediction End-to-End Machine Learning Project

Salary Prediction

In this article, I will discuss a salary Prediction End-to-End Machine Learning Project developed in Python with Flask App

Following are the steps in implementing the project

  1. Read Data Set¶
  2. Removing outliers
  3. Feature Engineering
  4. Create and Save Model
  5. Create and Deploy Web App using Flask

To Run the project,

First download the source code.

Extract the files into a folder.

Execute the Flask App–>app.ipynb

Next, launch the Flask Web App using the following URL:

Video Demonstration

The complete project description, code explanation, and execution are given in the below video.

Link to Download the Source Code of Salary Prediction End-to-End Machine Learning Project

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