Machine Learning Projects Video Tutorial – Implementation in Python
Disease Prediction from Symptoms with Flask App using Machine Learning by Vidya Mahesh Huddar
End to End Pneumonia Detection Project with Flask App using Deep Learning by Mahesh Huddar
Gesture and Voice Control Based Virtual Mouse Project in Machine Learning by Mahesh Huddar
End to End Heart Disease Prediction with Flask App using Machine Learning by Mahesh Huddar
Facial Expression Recognition using CNN Final Year Project Source code Deep Learning Mahesh Huddar
Part 1: Plant Leaf Disease Prediction TensorFlow Keras CNN Streamlit Machine Learning Mahesh Huddar
Part 2: Plant Leaf Disease Prediction Streamlit Application Machine Learning CNN by Mahesh Huddar
Salary Prediction End to End Machine Learning Project FlasK Web App Deploy Project by Mahesh Huddar
How to Detect and Count Objects Python | Object Detection Machine Learning Project Dr. Mahesh Huddar
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning Final Year Project by Mahesh Huddar