Introduction to Julia – Julia Tutorial


Introduction to Julia – Julia Tutorial

Introduction to Julia - Julia Tutorial

This tutorial discusses the Introduction to Julia – Julia Tutorial. Here we discuss what is Julia programming language. What are the features of the Julia programming language? Finally, we discuss how Julia differs from the Python programming language?

What is Julia Programing Language?

Julia is a high-level, open-source, and dynamic programming language designed to achieve high performance in scientific computation as well as in data manipulation. Julia programming language is similar to R programming. It is mainly used for data analysis and statistical computation similar to R Programming language.

Features of Julia Programming Language

The following are the features off Julia Programming language:

  • Julia is open-source, high level and expressive programming language.
  • Julia is a dynamically typed programming language and also supports static types. It supports rich data types.
  • The high-level syntax of Julia enables the user to write code easily.
  • Julia can be used for developing simple applications to machine learning applications to supercomputer simulation.
  • Julia is far faster than the fast programming language like C.
  • The developer can use Python and C within Julia and Julia in Python and C.
  • Julia has rich community support, but very small compared to python community support.
  • Julia has very good support for both scripting and interactive usage modes.

Comparison between Julia and Python

Popularity. The Python is more popular than the Julia programming language.

Speed. The main aim of Julia developers was to develop a language that is as fast as C Programming language. But they developed even faster language. By default, Python is slow compared to Julia but it can be optimized for better performance.

Versatility. Julia can be used for developing simple applications to machine learning applications to supercomputer simulation. To some extent, Python can also do this, but Julia has an upper edge in this regard.

Community Support. Python is as old as 30 years and it has huge active community support. Almost every question has an answer on Google. Julia has little support compared to Python. But it is growing day by day.

Code conversion. The application developer can use Python and C within Julia and Julia in Python and C.

Libraries Support. Python’s active community has developed many libraries. Considering the age of Julia it has impressive library support.

Dynamic and static types. The python is a fully dynamically typed programming language. Julia supports both dynamic and static types.

Julia Ecosystem

The Julia ecosystem includes Data visualization and Plotting tools, tools to Interact with Data, supports Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and deep learning.

Introduction to Julia – Julia Tutorial

This tutorial discusses the Introduction to Julia – Julia Tutorial. In the coming blog posts, we will discuss the Julia programming language in detail. Stay tuned and happy Julia learning. If you like do share with your friends and subscribe to the YouTube channel for more videos.

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